This is a cute little rhyme to use with your little ones to learn spatial words.
Where Is the Pet?
The bunny is in the honey.
The dog is behind a log.
The mouse is in the house.
The cat is under the hat.
The snake is in the lake.
The red bird is third.
The rat is on the mat.
The fish is next to the dish.
Print out pictures to match the rhyme and have your little one position the objects according to the rhyme.
Another rhyme to use is Hey, Diddle Diddle. Print out a cow and moon. Say the rhyme the correct way with the cow jumping OVER the moon. Then change the rhyme so the cow jumps UNDER, ON, BEHIND, IN FRONT, BESIDE, etc...and use the cow and moon to demonstrate the spatial words.
Another easy idea is to play a game with your little one by using a stuffed animal! Place the animal all over the house on various surfaces in various positions and enrich your child's vocabulary!