Narrative Skills
This is being able to tell stories and describe things. Some suggestions to help your child develop this skill is to provide puppets, dress-up clothes, flannel boards, dramatic play toys to encourage pretend play and more. Encourage them to make up stories or act out stories that you read to them. Wordless books are a wonderful way to develop narrative skills because your child will make up the story based on the illustrations. Engage in conversations with your child- modeling good listening skills!
Stories have a structure and sequence. There is a beginning, a middle and an ending. When children understand this story structure, they can predict what will happen in the story. This helps when they are trying to read and understand what they just read.
Ask your child to tell you what happened at the grandmas or at preschool. When they describe past events, they are telling you a story. Ask questions that prompt them for more information. Allow your child to draw picture and ask them to describe their drawing. Write down their story, resisting the temptation of making it sound better, and read their story back to them.