Whether you fill your home with books bought from a garage sale, from a bookstore or borrowed from the library, having books in the house for your children can have a major impact on their lives.
From Dr. Mariah Evans' 20-year study, she has formed some hypotheses:
- Reading with very small children -- and talking about the books as you read -- makes a big difference.
- Homes in which books are used to adjudicate questions of fact, rather than debating them as though they were matters of opinion, make an important contribution to childrens learning strategies.
- Children watch what their parents do, so reading at home is very important in a role-modeling sense.
- Children gain skills and culture/content from the books in the home. These skills and content help children perform better on standardized tests.
- Bookish homes help children like school and see their teachers as valuable coaches. Both performing well and liking school encourage youth to persist in education, even when the going gets tough.