Showing posts with label Phonological Awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phonological Awareness. Show all posts

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Six Skills for Early Literacy- Day by Day

Phonological Awareness

This is playing with and recognizing the smaller sounds that make up words. This involves blending, segmenting, manipulating, mixing and combining sounds. How do you do develop this in children? Sing songs, share rhymes, clap syllables in rhymes and songs, play word games and read books that have rhythm and rhyming words. When reciting a nursery rhyme, leave out the rhyming word and let your child fill in the blank. There is a predictable pattern and children learn by patterns.

Mem Fox, author of Reading Magic, declares that "rhymers will be readers". Furthermore, she shares a remarkable discovery by experts in early literacy and child development-children that know 8 nursery rhymes by heart before they are four years old are usually the best readers by the time they're eight!

Phonological Awareness is the strongest predictor of success in early reading and 35% of the children who enter kindergarten have not acquired this skill naturally and must be taught it according to the Children's Learning Institute.