Tuesday, February 8, 2011

To Holiday or Not to Holiday, That is the Question

A wonderful BLF asked me why I don't do a Halloween theme during storytime when it's Halloween, or a Thanksgiving theme when it's Thanksgiving, etc. Great question I thought, because I generally don't.

I typically don't do a holiday themed storytime when storytime falls during that holiday for one reason only- because there are so many great themes/books I would rather share. As I order books and catalog them, I keep a list of books that would be great for storytime or lapsitters. That list is so long right now and it continually grows. I love to do quirky themes like Tushies, String, or Underwear, etc. and I don't really repeat themes. I figure my LLFs get read Valentine books at home, at preschool, at Sunday school, etc...that they don't need me to do that too. But maybe I am wrong! Since these programs are for our LLFs and BLFs and not for me, let me know what you think.

Calling all BLFs to voice their opinion! Would you rather have holiday storytimes during holidays every year?

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