Monday, January 31, 2011

Two Gems I Share with My BLFs

My oldest brother gave me two bits of advice when I was young which have remained with me my entire life.

First, he told me to never rely on just one source,  like the textbook for a class. So, in school, no matter what subject matter I was learning about, I always sought out other resources. I went to the library and got other books, videos, etc. He told me that we all learn in different ways and one book might just illustrate a concept in a way that clicks for you.

When I had my daughter, I took this to a another level. If we visited the zoo, I would stop at the library and check out books on zoos or animals. If we went to the art museum, I would bring home books about artists and art. If she asked me a question about a rainbow, I would check out books about rainbows. If an ant crawled over her foot when we were outside, I made sure I had books about ants in the house. As she grew, whatever she was learning in school, I would always make sure I had books in the house about that subject for her to enjoy. I never forced her to read them, but simply made them available. She generally picked them up on her own out of her own interest.

By having books around the house about a variety of subjects, I was encouraging and supporting her interests while indirectly telling her that this 'stuff' isn't something you just do in school. It isn't boring and it isn't work. It's exciting and interesting to learn new things and books can quench your thirst for more knowledge.

Second bit of advice my brother told me...always carry a book with you wherever you  go.
He said you never know when you will have to wait around and waste time- the bus stop, the dentist's office, the airport, etc...I always have a book in my car, my purse, in the house.  I always can read when there is moment when I am stuck waiting even unexpectedly. Of course, I have taught my daughter this as well.

Whenever I drive past a bus station, I notice no one is ever reading and I think it's a shame because they could be enjoying a great book instead of just sitting there waiting! When I look at pictures of my daughter when she was growing up, one thing I notice are books. There were books in the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom, the car, the diaper bag- everywhere! There are so many pictures of her holding a book even before she could walk. I am happy I have given her something she can enjoy her whole life.

I am an advocate of libraries not because I am a librarian, but because I am a life-long learner and a lover of books and what they give you- knowledge, freedom, enjoyment. This was instilled in me when I was young from my oldest brother and for that I am ever grateful.

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