Sunday, April 1, 2012

Guessing Books

I like books that allow a child to think and participate in finding an answer- guess what or who type of books. It's always fun to play guessing games, but the child is also developing problem-solving, critical thinking, analytical thinking skills and more! They are developing vocabulary and self-esteem and confidence as they take chances on being right or wrong.

This is a new book that I think is perfect for even as young as 2 years old. I Spy Under the Sea by Edward Gibbs. It is simplistic, but attractive and what child doesn't love sea creatures or animals of any kind?

Encourage them, give them hints, help direct their problem-solving, but try and let them think on their own, take chances to be right or wrong and be ok with being wrong. Try to fight the urge we all have as parents to always give them the answer - it's tough for parents, I know- but it's best for the child for them to be wrong, but still be ok with it. 

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